Barbados Sugar-Boiling Kettles
Boiling Sugar: The Bitter Side of Sweet The Rise of Barbados Sugar Wealth. Sugarcane cultivation started in Barbados in the early 1640s, when Dutch merchants came to help with sugar cane harvesting. The island's rich soil and excellent climate made it the perfect location for sugar production. By the mid-17th century, Barbados had become one of the wealthiest colonies in the British Empire, making the nickname "Little England." But all was not sweetness in the land of Sugar as we discover next: The Dangerous Labour Of Sugar In the shadow of Barbados' sun-soaked coasts and lively plant lies a darker tale of resilience and challenge-- the unsafe labour behind its once-thriving sugar economy. Central to this story is the large cast iron boiling pots, essential tools in the sugar production process, however likewise painful symbols of the gruelling conditions dealt with by enslaved Africans. The Boiling Process: A Grueling Task Sugar production in the 17th and 18th cent...